Plant Tours and Press Checks

Visit Allegheny

A characteristic that truly defines Allegheny is our obsession for producing consistent high quality color. We use the latest technology and process controls, such as prepress to press calibration that anticipates the effects of lamination. As a result, the vast majority of our clients rarely require on-site press approvals. However, we recognize that color is only one aspect of a press check and thus encourage our clients to visit our facility and become involved in the print approval process.  

On-site plant tours attached to press checks achieve more than color approval; they are an opportunity for Allegheny to better understand your project timing and unique needs, as well as for you to learn how your project will progress through the production process. You will witness firsthand the many innovations we have in place to make sure your project moves forward seamlessly. 

Plan Your Visit

Contact your account executive to arrange a plant tour or press check.
